Inclusive Learning Communities
We are developing district-wide understanding and capacity so that all our students are members of classrooms that are inclusive learning communities. We are becoming more able to grow the strengths and meet the needs of students in their classrooms with their peers. We will provide appropriate supports and interventions whether a student has a diagnosis connected to a special education category or not. We are creating learning environments that enable students to develop a sense of belonging and ensure they see themselves in the curriculum. We know the improvements we make for vulnerable students or students with different interests and talents will benefit all students.
Some examples of the work of our plan are:
•Fostering a growth mindset: all students can be successful
•Shifting from pull-out to push-in supports so learning happens with peers in the context of classroom learning
•Shifting from finding the right place for students to creating classroom communities for all students
•Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) school leads team
•Ease Everyday Anxiety Strategies for Educators (EASE) program K-12 and Mental Health Literacy (Gr 7-12) for the benefit of staff and students
•Training for staff and community in creating trauma-informed resilient classrooms: Circle of Courage
Explore the ways we are LEARNING BETTER TOGETHER in as an inclusive community in Cariboo-Chilcotin School District:
Students Enjoy Dancing Together!
Nesika Elementary
All students thoroughly enjoyed the Valentine's Day dances, recently planned and orchestrated by our Student Leadership Club.
Alternate Gathering
Skyline Alternate
Skyline Alternate hosted the youth and staff from 100 Mile Storefront. Skyline youth were excited to be tour guides to the group. There were art activities (some glass may have been broken) and great conversations. What a respectful and wonderful group of youth. We plan to meet again soon.
Mile 108 Elementary
Our theme for Term 2 is Humility (Wolf). As a whole school, we are exploring the connections between the Circle of Courage, our Code of Conduct, and the principle of humility (wolf) - recognizing that our words and actions affect not only ourselves but also those around us. It is about taking responsibility and growing from mistakes and with each other.
Our shared art project visually represents the power of collective responsibility, demonstrating that when we work together with good intentions, kindness, and respect, we achieve more and foster a stronger sense of well-being for everyone.
Leading with Pride - SD27 SOGI Leads
SOGI School Leads Team
SOGI Leads participated in another online session with Bryan Gidinski focused on fostering inclusive learning communities. Our discussion centered on the importance of nuanced understandings of SOGI-related terms and concepts, emphasizing the role of inclusive language in education. The session also highlighted the need to move beyond performative actions and ensure that days of recognition, like Pink Shirt Day, reflect a deeper commitment to fostering safe, inclusive spaces year-round.
All Are Welcome
Inclusive Education in the Early Years
During our Ready, Set, Learn physical literacy "Winterfest" event everyone had an amazing time. This event created opportunities for all who attended. Being out on the ice with his family and peers and of course the amazing snowman had one little fella sharing the most infectious smile of the day. To see the joy on so many faces as they took to the ice made this event so special.
ADST: Fostering Growth Mindset and Engagement in Learning
Tatla Lake Elementary Junior Secondary
ADST (Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies) activities in schools foster meaningful engagement in learning by encouraging creative, hands-on experiences. Students are challenged to think critically and solve problems creatively. They learn how to approach challenges, iterate solutions, and persist through difficulties, fostering resilience and independence. The ADST kids provided by SD27 Career Education Department are a great resource for teachers and the students thoroughly enjoy the projects! Tatla Lake students are currently learning about carpentry and making nail art.
Noodle Sports
Alexis Creek Elementary Junior Secondary School
The first week back after Christmas break, we all went to the gym in the mornings to play together or walk together. This is how we start our days. Here students are playing noodle tag.
Celebrating Lohri
Marie Sharpe Elementary
On January 13 Lohri is celebrated in India. This celebration marks the end of winter solstice and the beginning of longer days which also marks the time to harvest crops. Mrs Uppal brought this celebration to school today, bringing with her great music, delicious traditional food, and great learning for all of us.
Ceramics and Sculpture 11/12
Lake City Secondary
Students in Ceramics and Sculpture 11/12 had time to design and create original pieces.
Building a Cookie House Together
Alexis Creek Elementary Junior Secondary
On Monday afternoon of the last week of school before Christmas break, we gathered together to build cookie houses. Each family grouping built and decorated a house together. Siblings, cousins, and singles had fun helping each other.
Little Buddies Visit PSO
Peter Skene Ogden Secondary
PSO was excited to host our little buddy kindergarten class from 100 Mile Elementary. Little buddies partnered with our Foods 11/12 class to decorate Christmas cookies. Little buddies then attended PSO's mini powwow with their big buddies.
Students Learn Online Safety with Safer Schools
Nesika Elementary
Our students and teachers from grades 5 and 6 participated in an hour-long Assembly-Webinar from “Safer Schools Together” on establishing safe, caring and respectful digital communities. We found it to be very engaging, informative and timely. Supporting a safe and inclusive learning community is an important part of our school plan for learner success.
Building Community for our Deaf and Hard of Hearing Students
Student Support Services
Jana Prokes, our amazing teacher for the deaf and hard of hearing, organized a field trip to facilitate relationship building for our deaf and hard of hearing students in our district. The students from 100 Mile House and Williams Lake worked on sign language, community building, along with lots of fun activities. In the photos, you can see Jana teaching the students sign language. This trip was so important for our students who often feel isolated at schools when they are the only students with hearing needs.
PSO Students Give Back
Peter Skene Ogden Secondary
PSO Students raised food donations in B block classes for the local food bank in a "Week of Giving". Students in PSO's Psychology 11 class collected donations from other classes and delivered donations this Friday.
Inspirational Speaker - Michael Bortolotto
Cataline Elementary
Students at Cataline were gifted with the opportunity to listen to the inspiring Michael Bortolotto. Michael used his power of storytelling to capture our young audience, and speak to building resiliency. Using his first-hand experience of living with cerebral palsy, Mr. Bortolotto introduced our students and teachers to a simple four-step strategy that could be used to foster a more socially inclusive and safer school environment. It all starts with the power of a smile!
LCSS and Elementary Volleyball Playdown
Nesika Elementary
LCSS teachers Coach Burgar and Coach Anholt invited all elementary grade 6 girls volleyball teams to a collective play down with the LCSS volleyball teams. The older girls mentored the younger girls, and all the elementary girls were mixed onto teams so six games could be played at once. Following the play down, the LCSS girls showcased their skills in a game setting for the elementary girls to soak up. It was an absolutely thrilling experience for the younger students (and future Falcons!). Thank you to the site organizers and to our elementary coaches for a great season!
A Smile Will Go a Long Way
Chilcotin Road Elementary
Guest speaker Michael Bortolotto came and talked with our students about the power of a smile. Just because you might look different on the outside, the inside is the same. A simple act of smiling and being kind helps make people feel welcomed and a sense of Belonging. Michael shared his powerful story of being different in his school and some of the barriers he had to overcome. "Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't do something". Thank you Michael.
Lac La Hache Elementary
Students and teachers wearing their mustaches in support of Movember which aims to bring awareness and support to the health of boys and men.
Learning in All Spaces
Marie Sharpe Elementary
Learning happens in so many places and in so many ways. Our amazing EA Tracy Campbell works hard to find access points in the curriculum for all the students she works with, and incorporates real-life skills like task completion, payment for jobs, and as seen here, shopping at the book fair with your payment.
Food for All
Marie Sharpe Elementary
Here at Marie Sharpe, we pride ourselves on providing nutritious meals in a stigma-free way. Thanks to a few great partnerships, and the support from our entire staff, we are able to provide hot meals twice a day to any student who needs it.
Siobhan McCambridge Hosts Art Show
Lake City Secondary
Students in Ms .McCambridge's art classes hung their creations for all to see. Students were challenged with a "Where's Waldo" theme as each masterpiece had a hidden cartoon character.
Campfire Stories in Julia Jack's English Classes
Lake City Secondary
The first campfire is always personal stories or a discussion so expectations can be sorted out. Everyone must sit on the floor around the campfire - there is no getting up, no lying down, no washroom breaks - this equalizes the power around the fire. The dark room helps to set the atmosphere and encourages everyone to be brave enough to speak.
Later stories may have a theme or involve research. Sometimes students can read from their written work to help keep the form. As they tell their stories, Julia teaches them techniques to help improve their delivery and structure.
Generosity is for Everyone
Skyline Alternate
One of the four principles from The Circle of Courage is generosity (contributing positively to others). After a great class discussion a group of students thought it would be a great idea to offer coffee, water and goodies to anyone that would like the offering. Students and staff set up a table in Boitanio Park and everyone had amazing conversation and connection. After that visit the youth decided it should become a weekly occurrence.
Sometimes You Just Need a Hug
Chilcotin Road Elementary
It is hard to function sometimes in an inclusive classroom. Their could be language barriers, anxiety, or separation issues from parents. Or maybe you have a combination of them all. Sometimes you just need a hug and a reset in order to make it through the rest of the day. Inclusive classes rooms means that all are welcome know matter what!
Outdoor Learning Mobility
150 Mile Elementary
Walking field trips are a common occurrence in our school. With a generous parent donation, of a collapsible wagon, we are able to make sure all our students have the supplies they need each trip. This allows for all our students to access the beautiful outdoor areas around the school.
PSO Students Thrive in TRU Trades Programs
Peter Skene Ogden Secondary
PSO grade 12 students Jake Miller and Izaiah Ambrus are completing the Youth Train in the Trades program in Carpentry through TRU this fall. Both Jake and Izaiah are thriving in the program and are amazing examples of the opportunity trades programs can provide students to complete their learning and get ahead in their career goals.
PSO Hosts Kindergarten Students
Peter Skene Ogden Secondary
PSO's Foods 11/12 and Art 11/12 classes enjoyed hosting 100 Mile Elementary Kindergarten students. Older students helped the visiting class bake cookies and do some face painting to get ready for Halloween. Some really important connections were made and we look forward to more collaboration.
Guide Dog Reporting for Duty
Support Services
A student with a visual impairment is working with a guide dog at Lake City Secondary. She worked hard with the Lions Foundation of Guide Dogs in Ontario for 3 weeks of intensive training before bringing Orza to school. The staff and students at LCSS have worked hard to prepare and plan for having Orza at school! She is heading to all of her classes and is a awesome addition to the inclusive work happening at LCSS.
ERASE (Expect Respect & A Safe Education)
Tatla Lake Elementary & Jr. Secondary School
Our grade 5-7 students recently participated in an ERASE (Expect Respect & A Safe Education) online session. The session provided students with essential tools to recognize, report, and prevent bullying, discrimination, and harassment online. ERASE is a valuable resource for students, adults, and school staff, all working together to make our school a place where everyone feels valued and supported.
Curling is a Life Sport!
Nesika Elementary
Ms. Nasuszny has an inclusive classroom with many students of differing abilities. Everyone had a fantastic time learning to curl, and everyone is excited to go back! Learning a life sport is just one of the ways Nesika students learn about comprehensive school health.
Day at the Nemiah Valley Traditional Village with Opening Ceremonies from Dalton Baptiste - Drumming, Scavenger Hunt and Water Blessing
Naghtaneqed Elementary/Junior
The Tŝilhqot’in National Government (TNG) planned a day at the Nemiah Valley Traditional Village with opening ceremonies from Dalton Baptiste, drumming, scavenger hunt and water blessing. Creating learning environments that enable students to develop a sense of belonging and ensure they see themselves in there cultural traditions, the curriculum and their community.
Twin Day at LCSS
Lake City Secondary
These triplets rocked Twin Day at Lake City! We just need one more hoodie to make them quadruplets!
Taquito Friday
Skyline Alternate
Students are learning to make chicken taquito’s.
Celebration of Student Diversity
100 Mile Elementary School
Students collaborated with their families to discover unique things about their backgrounds, sparking many “dinner conversations” with extended family members! The posters included places such as The Ukraine, Russia, France, Austria, Ireland, Finland, Germany, and Mexico. Children were proud to share traditions and knowledge about their heritage.
Compassionate Systems Leadership
The district leadership team spent time before the start of the year beginning to learn about Compassionate Systems Leadership (CSL). A group of six principals were trained in CSL this summer and are the leads to embed CSL in our meetings and time together this year. They are engaging us in activities and practices to ground ourselves, connect with others, and include others' voices and ideas in conversations and decision-making.
Appreciating The Ones We Work With
Chilcotin Road Elementary
We celebrated our teachers and other adults in our building today with a special gift. Thank you to all the great teachers out there and Happy Teacher Day Oct 5th!
Welcoming New Students
Mountview Elementary
On the first day of school, Mountview students noticed several new faces in the school. They decided to gather at the buddy bench to welcome the new students into the games they were playing. No one asked them to do this. We are so proud to see their kindness and thoughtfulness.
Terry Fox Cancer Fundraiser Kick-Off & Code of Conduct Trivia Assembly
Columneetza Junior Secondary
Today, we learned more about Terry Fox and his amazing accomplishments as an athlete and a Canadian. We kicked off our assembly with a fundraising competition, some relay racing and donations for cancer research. On Sept. 25th our school will participate in the Terry Fox Run to honour cancer research and many will be wearing their orange shirts in support of Truth & Reconciliation. As well, part of our assembly focused on becoming better citizens by seeing which grade knew the Columneetza Code of Conduct the best through a game of trivia!