Student Support Services
Student Support Services
1165B Blair Street
Williams Lake, BC V2G 1X3
T: 250.398.3855
The Cariboo-Chilcotin School District has a number of students with special needs whose educational program needs to be supported in order for them to meet with success. Students with special needs have disabilities of an intellectual, learning, physical, sensory or emotional / behavioural nature, or have exceptional gifts or talents.
The education of students with special needs is a complex issue which requires a variety of responses depending on the needs of the individual. Ministry guidelines state that, “To the maximum extent possible, special education services should be organized for delivery at the school level”.
The Support Services Staff assist schools in developing programs that will be effective in supporting students at the school level. Most specialist staff engage in the assessment of students to determine the level of support or program modification required to meet student needs.
Staff are involved in consultation with students, parents, administrators, teachers, teacher assistants and other professionals. They attend school-based team meetings and case conferences where plans are developed to meet the needs of individual students. Often they assist school based personnel in the development of Individual Education Plans (IEPs) for specific students.
Contact Information

Wendell Hiltz Director of Instruction - Inclusive Education E: ...
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