Human Resources

Cariboo-Chilcotin School District is one of the largest employers in the Cariboo-Chilcotin Region with over 900 employees. We serve one of the geographically largest School Districts in British Columbia.
Each year we hire employees in the following areas:
- Teachers and Educational Support Staff
- Principals and Vice Principals
- Administrative Support
- Information Technology
- Maintenance and Custodial
Taryn Aumond, CPHR
Director of Human Resources
T: (250) 398-3817
Jennifer Loewen, RPR
Manager of Human Resources
T: (250) 398-3814
Primary contact for WorkSafe BC Claims, Recruitment - Teaching Staff, Atrieve, and Power School/Web Based Reporting.
Carly Van Soest
Human Resources Generalist
T: (250) 398-3812
Primary contact for Employee Benefits, Support Staff Disability Management, Financial Verification.
Human Resources Generalist
T: (778) 799-2962
Primary contact for Support Staff postings (internal and external) and Criminal Record Checks.
Shanna Moyes
Central Scheduling Clerk
T: (250) 398-3818. This line is for non-scheduling calls only. Absences will not be accepted through this phone number.
Primary contact for absences and dispatches for all school based staff and Maintenance.
To log an absence via the telephone system, please call 1-855-497-1164.