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Kindergarten Registration


School District #27 uses the MyEducation BC online registration process for Kindergarten student registration. Online registration is for Kindergarten registrations and new students to School District #27 schools only.  

Online registration is encouraged; however hard copy registrations are also accepted at catchment schools as of January 27, 2025.  Early registrations will not be accepted.   

KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION for September 2025 will open on January 27, 2025

Children must be five years of age by December 31, 2025.  Children presently enrolled in Kindergarten do not need to re-register for Grade One.

The following documents are required at registration and must be uploaded with your online-registration:

  1. Birth Certificate or Passport 
  2. BC Care Card - both sides are required
  3. Two pieces of proof of physical address are required i.e. mortgage statement, rental agreement, utility bill.  **Driver's license or BCID or Care Card are second pieces only

Registration is not complete until all required documents are received.  If you do not upload the required documents with your online registration, you will need to book an appointment with the catchment school to provide the originals for review before your application can be processed.  

   4. You may also submit the the completed Media | Personal Consent Form and Computer Usage | Privacy Consent Form with your online application.

Students will register at the school in their catchment area.  Parents not sure of their catchment area are requested to contact the nearest elementary school, the School District Office (778-799-2863), or the Online School Locator

Please note:  Online applications will receive an email confirming that your application has been received.  This does NOT mean that your child is registered.  You will receive a follow-up email once the application has been reviewed and a decision has been made.  To view the current status of your application, you can log in to your MyEducation BC account.

Registration for French Immersion Kindergarten at 100 Mile Elementary School and Nesika Elementary School are also held at this time. New students wishing to register for French Immersion must complete a School of Choice application IF the French Immersion School is not their regular catchment school.  If the French Immersion School is your catchment school please make a comment that you would like to select the French Immersion program in the comment section of your online registration if you wish that program. 

If you wish your child to attend a school that is not your catchment school, a School of Choice application MUST be completed after registration has been submitted at the catchment school. Online School of Choice applications will be available on January 27, 2025.

SCHOOL OF CHOICE -  Deadline is March 12, 2025.

Graduation Routes Other Ways (GROW) offers an online kindergarten program that parents can choose from.  This is a Teacher led and parent supported program where, under teacher direction, the parent works with their child to support learning.  For further information on Online learning please see the Ministry of Education's website. ( If this is something that you would like to please contact GROW for more details at 250-396-7230.

MyEducation BC Online Registration - This link will be available when registration opens on January 27, 2025

Be sure to choose the correct year of 2025-2026 for September 2025 start.  

You must choose your catchment area school as the requested school.  This does not replace our current school of choice process.

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