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Collective Responsibility



We are more effective when we work collaboratively and seamlessly to support student needs. We are ALL responsible for working together for the success of ALL students. Improving communication and access to common information, establishing effective instructional and support teams, and focusing on wrapping around and strengthening the core relationship of teacher-student-families will improve student success. 

We have developed a Framework for Collective Responsibility that will help guide the work we do from creating, implementing and monitoring School Plans for Learner Success, Local Education Agreements with First Nation communities, Individual Education Plans (IEP), and interventions by School-Based Teams (SBT). Common district assessments, with results made available in a timely and user-friendly format, support collaborative learning conversations by teams. Collective responsibility is a theme that emerges across all the other focus areas as we all do our parts toward common goals. Examples of this work include:

•Focus for the current year on walking together

•Collective Responsibility Framework

•New district data warehouse and information management system 

•Strengthened school-based team (SBT) processes

•More opportunities for cross-school collaboration

Explore the ways we are LEARNING BETTER TOGETHER for the success of ALL learners in Cariboo-Chilcotin School District:

Professional Boundaries Training for ALL SD27 Staff


All employees of Cariboo-Chilcotin School District engaged in training this Fall to ensure they understand their roles as members of the district team contributing to our workplace culture, service to and interactions with students and families, and public confidence in the system.


Starfish Backpacks

Marie Sharpe Elementary

We are fortunate to once again be partnering with the Williams Lake Rotary Club who provide our school with Starfish Backpacks. These backpacks provide valuable nutrition to families for the weekends.


Community Support Brings Science to Life for SD 27 Students


The South Cariboo Community Enhancement Foundation generously sponsored a Science World visit to schools in the 100 Mile area. Science World presented a "How to Science" show for Kindergarten to Grade 3 classes, and "Earth, Wind and Science" show for Grade 4 to 7 classes. See the full story in the 100 Mile Free Press.



Photos: Patrick Davies 100 Mile Free Press.

Cariboo-Chilcotin Information Management System


The District worked with Softlanding to complete a design solution for collecting and presenting information to staff. The District now has a fully automated data warehouse that collects and creates displays of historical information on all key metrics in the district plan and utilized by our staff. The warehouse is connected to online reports created with PowerBI. Access to high quality information will increase knowledge we have about students and will also reduce manual data tasks allowing time to be spent on higher value tasks.


Walking Together into the 2024 2025 School Year


We held our District Day on September 3 which saw more than 800 SD27 staff, including educators, support staff, operations, transportation, custodial, human resources, IT, finance, payroll, and administrative staff gathered at schools with all sites connected virtually for the morning. We were welcomed to the traditional and unceded territories the school district is on by Williams Lake First Nation Chief Sellars, Xeni Gwet’in Chief William, and Ulkatcho Chief Price who shared what they wanted staff to know as we began serving their children and families in this school year. Monique Gray Smith was the keynote speaker for the morning and emphasized Indigenous traditional knowledge and values, relationship with others and nature, and trauma-informed practice. Teams had time to talk during the morning and had lunch together (many outside for BBQs and picnics) before spending the afternoon preparing to bring the key themes to life in their schools and departments over the first days and weeks of the new year.

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Celebrating World Teachers' Day as a Community


World Teachers’ Day is held internationally on October 5 to celebrate the work of teachers. In Cariboo-Chilcotin School District we recognize that the core relationship of education is between the teacher- student- caregivers. We also recognize that teachers have incredible support here from all the staff, especially at the school level, who wrap around and support that relationship and the work of teaching and learning. We extend a big THANK YOU to teachers and the colleagues who make their work possible and hope they enjoy these BC apples from Desert Hills.


Mountview PAC

Mountview Elementary

Our PAC put on an amazing back to school BBQ for our families. We had a wonderful turnout. It is fantastic to see busy parents set aside some time to help prepare and serve food and bring our little school community together. Thank you Mountview PAC!


Speech and Language Collaboration

Cataline Elementary

Cataline teachers, EAs, admin, and speech and language team meet together to respond to and practice with AAC devices which support students with communication needs.


Kindergarteners Remind us that we All Matter

Chilcotin Road Elementary

Mrs. Hutchinson's kindergarteners help us spread the message that we all matter and that we all belong here. Excellent job. They reminded us that it is our collective responsibility to make everyone feel welcomed.


Marshmallow Challenge

Naghtaneqed Elementary Junior Senior School

First week of school, students participated in various team building activities. This was a collective responsibility activity. Students from all grades, worked together in teams, while teachers, EA's and the principal supported and guided students to build a strong and tall tower. Students sketched the tower design and worked communication and team work. 


Welcome Back BBQ

150 Mile Elementary

150 Mile Elementary PAC hosted a welcome back BBQ at the end of the first week of school. Over 180 students and parents came out to spend some time with teachers connecting and building community ties. Even the neighborhood bear made a visit in a nearby field munching on berries.



SD27 Rural Schools Walking Together

Rural Schools

In an effort to build community and foster collaboration to support staff and students, SD27 schools along Hwy 20 are 'Walking Together' this year!  Principals and teachers from Anahim Lake, Alexis Creek, Tatla Lake, and Naghtanequed met together in early September to get to know each other and make connections.  We look forward to other opportunities to connect and support one another this year!


STEM projects with BGC

Skyline Alternate School 

Youth had an enjoyable time with BGC staff building and modifying flying machines.  Fun had by all. 


Coming Together to Support Kids

Marie Sharpe Elementary 

We are so fortunate to have dedicated maintenance staff who are committed to supporting our students through rough moments.  Here, you can see how our painter, Tana, took her own break time to get a student's bike tire repaired at a our local bike shop (Red Shreds - who offered a free service), then worked with the student to put it back on.


Friday the 13th Turns Bad Luck Good!

Anahim Lake Senior Students

Students fried up perogies with onions and bacon to send home with every child at school on Friday, September 13th. Starting off our 2024-25 school year theme of 'Walking Together', our oldest students cooked and packed small containers of food to go home for the weekend. We will continue this initiative by encouraging even our youngest students to get involved in preparing what looks to be a popular way to connect inside and outside of school. 



Walking Together - Meet our Team

Cataline Elementary

Cataline Elementary school staff started off the year in a good way, taking our first day together outdoors and setting the foundation for a year of "Walking Together". Creating a welcoming and inclusive environment where everyone feels a sense of belong is the message our staff feels passionately about, as we collectively work as a team to honour and support all learners.   



Mustangs Visit Nesika

Nesika Elementary

Nesika staff and students welcomed 3 members of the Williams Lake Mustangs hockey team. New members of the WL community, they generously gave of their time to get to know our community of learners. Students were visibly excited to have them in our building and asked some excellent questions to help build relationships and make connections. The players helped some student volunteers to get recess equipment ready for our classes to enjoy as well. We are grateful to these athletes for lifting spirits and promoting healthy, active living.



Fire Fighting, Fire Safety and Fire Prevention Training

Lac La Hache Elementary 

Members of the volunteer Lac La Hache Fire Department spent a morning with Lac La Hache students teaching them valuable lessons about fire prevention, fire safety as well as how to use the powerful fire hose. 



A Cataline Elementary School PACkers Welcome

Cataline Elementary

Starting the year in a good way, Cataline Elementary and school PAC hosted their Welcome Back BBQ, fostering community connections, bringing together families and school staff. The Cataline PAC is an integral part of our school community, providing opportunities to connect parents and school, as well as involving parents in volunteer activities (such as a Welcome Back BBQ) that builds community and supports our students and families.  



Pet in the Classroom

Skyline Alternate

Having a leopard gecko has created an environment of caring, responsibility for all. Each student is taking responsibility to make sure others are doing their duty.


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